

We don’t do packages!

Instead of giving you a long list of confusing packages, deceiving hourly rates and pesky hidden costs, we like to keep things simple. There’s one package, with one set cost and we can adapt the requirements to suit you. We like to call it the gimme-everything-I-need package.




500+ Images

We don’t limit the number of images delivered, we want you to have all the best bits so a minimum of 500 edited images with a personal print licence are included.



Unlimited questions?!

Phone Consultation

No two weddings are the same, we want to hear all about your day and also offer you advice on how to make your day stress free.



Two Experienced Professional Photographers

Double trouble; we are the creative duo that has double the amount of knowledge, double the amount of fun & most importantly consume double the amount of wedding cake!



Personal Online Gallery

You will have your own password protected gallery, you can view, download and share with your guests should you choose to.



Optional Extras



Engagement Shoot

2 hours of photography with one of us.

50+ edited images on your private online gallery




Fine Art Albums

We provide albums that are completely handmade, YES every step is crafted by hand! Not our hands we admit, but by an English fine art album company. We have a wide choice of covers including cotton and leathers. Our fine art albums are a minimum of 30 pages and are all printed on stunning fine art matte photo paper and our bound to lie flat. 

Start at £450